Published: Vol. VI, Issue 1 [ October 2023 ]
Pages: 71-87
Category: Articles (peer-reviewed)
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This article researches the concept of religious language in religious literacy in the context of religious education and finds associations between its function and the wittgensteinian philosophy of language. Language as a means of communication between people is not only a shaping agent of a society’s culture but it is also the mirror in which this culture is reflected. Within this field there is also education, the main goal of which is literacy. As part of culture religion makes it necessary to include religious literacy as part of the polygrammatism that education is aiming at. Religious literacy is regarded as a process of learning the religious language, which is not limited to the knowledge of the relevant terms and symbols but also extends to the acquisition of skills for understanding their background as interpretations of the world. The central role of religious language in religious literacy is illuminated, expanded and reinforced by its connection with the wittgensteinian philosophy of religious language. The latter, according to Wittegnstein, has a distinctive character with its own rules, which also refer to a particular attitude of life.
Key words:
Religious literacy, religious language, religious education, Wittgenstein
Paraskevopoulos, M. (2023). The Concept of Religious Language in Religious literacy and its Relation to the Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Language [H έννοια της θρησκευτικής γλώσσας στον θρησκευτικό γραμματισμό και η συσχέτισή της με τη φιλοσοφία της γλώσσας του Wittgenstein]. Ελληνική Περιοδική Έκδοση για τη Θρησκευτική Εκπαίδευση/Greek Journal of Religious Education, 6(1), 71-87. DOI: 10.30457/0601234