
Ιδιοκτησία: Πανελλήνιος Θεολογικός Σύνδεσμος «ΚΑΙΡΟΣ - για την αναβάθμιση της Θρησκευτικής Εκπαίδευσης» ISSN: 2623-4386

*Assistant Professor, Felician University, Lodi, NJ, USA


Έκδοση / Published:  Τόμος 2ος, Τεύχος 1ο [ Απρίλιος 2019 ] / Vol. IΙ, Issue 1 [ April 2019 ]

Σελίδες / Pages:  53-60

Κατηγορία / Category:  Άρθρο με διπλή κριτική αξιολόγηση / Peer-reviewed article

DOI:  http://doi.org/10.30457/30420194

Πλήρες κείμενο / Full text:  PDF [ Downloads: 537 ]

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Περίληψη / Abstract

The author hopes this effort will help to promote the understanding that Religious Education (RE) efforts in the United States would benefit from an expanded curriculum moving toward a truly inclusive catholic worldview. A Roman Catholic who writes from the perspective of citizen of the United States and student of the public education system through secondary school, the author advocates for incorporation of an expanded curriculum in Catholic Christianity, one which would embrace RE efforts in the public sphere. This reorientation of RE would allow the Church to be ever-increasingly open to— and informed by— the voices of all persons, including those previously marginalized. Such orientation is based on— and reciprocally promotes— recognition of the fullness of the human dignity of all persons. A more comprehensive curriculum takes into account that authentic RE cannot be solely an intramural affair. A worldview which is truly catholic is fully open to the perspective to the other; and the resultant mutual enrichment and understanding can move participants to be much needed instruments for peace in the world.


Λέξεις κλειδιά / Keywords

Informed worldview, Roman Catholic Religious Education, United States.


Βιβλιογραφική αναφορά / Reference:

Mascitello, J.W. (2019). Espousing a more inclusive curriculum for Roman Catholic religious education in the United States: toward a catholic worldview. Ελληνική Περιοδική Έκδοση για τη Θρησκευτική Εκπαίδευση / Greek Journal of Religious Education, 2(1), 53-60, DOI: 10.30457/30420194



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